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How COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing Work Together
June 9, 2021
Vaccines are now available to anyone over the age of 16 who wants it in the United States. So why should you still care about testing?
Here’s why:
Vaccines are great! While they’re primarily designed to protect you from infection (and if infected, reduce the severity of disease), they also have secondary effects of helping reduce how much you spread disease if you are infected.
While many Americans are vaccinated, there’s still a ways to go AND the disease is still spreading in the community. Rapid tests are an easy way of knowing if you might potentially be able to spread the disease if you happen to contract it even if vaccinated. More importantly, it’s a community effort! Those who aren’t vaccinated yet stay safe by understanding if they can spread disease by testing, and you can contribute to that knowledge by doing the same — helping each other out.
Testing is just one component of a Swiss cheese model of COVID-19 mitigation: nothing is perfect, but a combination of strategies is the safest, best possible option
Key Takeaways — testing isn’t just for people who don’t want or can’t get the vaccine. It’s another community tool to stay as safe as possible and defeat COVID-19 as fast as possible!
On/Go COVID-19 Antigen Self-Tests are an accurate, EUA-authorized, American-made option for rapid testing.